EP 253: John Pepper & Ursula Burns’ (Learnings from) Leaders

John Pepper and Ursula Burns sit down for a candid conversation on race, understanding and the state of our society’s devolving discourse. Ursula Burns was one of Americas first Black female CEOs, and John Pepper was the former Chairman of both P&G and the Walt Disney Company. This is a conversation among two of corporate America’s most celebrated CEOS - longtime friends - have been having for years - and wanted to bring us along for the journey.

For Black History Month, we’re sharing conversations from Raman’s other podcast “Learnings from Leaders” where we have candid mentorship style conversations - with business leaders, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists, many of whom are alums of Procter & Gamble - where many industry leaders got their start with a foundation of purpose, values, and principles.


John Pepper: https://pepperspectives.blogspot.com/

Ursula Burns: https://hbr.org/2021/07/im-here-because-im-as-good-as-you


EP 254: Linda Clement-Holme’s (lightening) backpack


EP 252: Najoh Tita-Reid’s (balance) across worlds