EP 248: Isaac Saul’s (TanGent) Tangle
So it’s a new year, and it’s going to be an interesting one, so what better way to start 2024 by an introduction to a different perspective? Longtime FrieMMd of the Pod Rajiv Satyal - beyond being a world-class entertainer and comedian - also hosts the TanGent show, featuring conversations from fields of entertainment, politics, business, religion, and tech. Rajiv recently sat down with journalist Isaac Saul, whose newsletter and podcast TANGLE NEWS is an increasingly relevant source of independent, non-partisan source summarizing the best arguments from across the political spectrum on the news of the day. Rajiv and Isaac covered a lot of topics including the political makeup of Tangle’s audience, and how our news sources really dictate our outlook and discourse. It’s a down the middle approach that might give you some pause. So wherever you’re coming from, we hope you’ll enjoy this candid conversation about how and where we get our news for a very important year to come...
Tangle News: ReadTangle.com
Isaac Saul: isaacsaul.com
Rajiv Satyal: rajivsatyal.com