EP 110: Phil Yu (isn’t always) the Angry Asian Man
“You have to choose to become Asian American.
I went from just being a Korean kid in Silicon Valley
to belonging to this community.
I want that to mean something.”
Phil Yu is best known for AngryAsianMan.com - THE website about Asian American perspectives. But he’s really not as angry as people think. Phil’s a writer, speaker, and host. AngryAsianMan.com is one of the most widely read / longest-running sites covering news, culture, and perspectives from the Asian American community. Phil ALSO hosts the podcasts “They Call Us Bruce” and “All The Asians On Star Trek” (a new personal favorite). And in January 2022, Phil’s book “RISE: A Pop History of Asian American from the Nineties to Now” comes out. Phil’s been featured in The NY Times, NPR, the LA Times, CNN, WaPo, Gawker, and more. He’s won awards for his work AND worked in documentaries, film commentaries, and web series. Honestly, Phil’s been the guest we’ve wanted since we started our podcast, as he is one of the reasons we do what we do. Phil was doing this before most of us and continues to trailblaze for the rest of us. AND he’s a total nerd that wants to change the world - one angry word at a time...
Website: AngryAsianMan.com
Social Media: Instagram / Twitter
Podcast: They Call Us Bruce
Podcast: All the Asians on Star Trek
Forbes: The Future Of Telling Asian American Stories: An Interview With Angry Asian Man
FILM: Who Killed Vincent Chin? (1987)
A&F Wong Bros racist t-shirt